Application Open 2024-25 - Click here

MVM College of Nursing Institutions

What We Are

Advanced Healthcare Made Personal

Nursing is a healthcare profession that involves years of training and continued specialized education to care for patients in a variety of settings. Nurses are often the first healthcare professional that patients meet. They are a technical expert, an educator, a counselor and a resource for the family, using all senses to better care for a patient. Nurses are on the frontlines of administering and evaluating your treatment. If you’re a patient, nurses are your greatest advocates. Because they spend more time with you, nurses can comprehensively moderate your progress. They know what symptoms might be a red flag and can assess the effectiveness of treatment. Nurses also provide invaluable emotional support. They understand the complexities and implications of an illness. Their knowledge of illness combined with exceptional people skills provides comfort and stability. For many patients, this relationship is an anchor in the tumultuous waters of the hospital system. We, at MVM, through our educational programmes empower student to grow as compassionate, caring, and professionally skilled individuals that can help save lives and build a world that cares.

Career Oriented Add-on Courses

At the end of regular course, students will be equipped with several Certificate in career oriented Add-on course along with a conventional degree.
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Our Courses

GNMUndergraduate Programmes
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B.Sc. in Nursing Undergraduate Programmes
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P.B.B.Sc. in Nursing Undergraduate Programmes
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M.Sc. in Nursing Postgraduate Programmes
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